Monday 27 February 2012

Right Hand Rule Number 2

Here Is A Summary Of Right Hand Rule Number 2 For Conventional Current Flow:

- Grasp the coiled conductor with the right hand such that curved fingers point in the direction of conventional, or positive, current flow.
- The thumb points in the direction of the magnetic field within the coil.
- Outside the coil, the thumb represents the north end of the electromagnet produced by the coil.

The second right hand rule predicts the relationship between the direction of conventional current flow in a coil and the direction of the magnetic field at the end of the electromagnet.

Creation Of Magnetic Fields Around Current-Carrying Conductors
(Difference Between Right Hand Rule Number One And Right Hand Rule Number Two)

Right Hand Rule Number One

Current Forced Through Conductor -> Straight Line Conductor -> Straight Thumb Along Conductor -> Fingers Show Circular (Curved) Magnetic Field Lines

Right Hand Rule Number Two

Current Forced Through Conductor -> Coiled Conductor -> Curved Fingers Around Conductor -> Thumb Shows Straight Magnetic Field Lines (At Coil Ends)

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